

Product Design, UI, UX

I created Calm to help my son and other kids on the spectrum get through the days to do's with ease. Relieve daily stressors by setting schedules, expectations, and engaging your kids with rewards. 

My son is five years old and has autism. The biggest issues we face are during transitions - getting in the car, going or coming home from work, going to school, etc. To date the best help we had was a visual scheduler that used clip art on a velcro board that looked like it came out of the 90's. We would attach the days to do's and pull them off as they were completed. Having a schedule helped our son by setting expectations and giving him insight into what was going to happen throughout the day.

As a designer and a father I want the best for my kid - I wanted to bring the use of the visual scheduler to a more accessible and digital platform.

Calm features a child and parent view, so you can tailor the experience to your family's needs. 

Calm - a visual scheduling app based off the PECS System(Picture Exchange Communication System) for children on the spectrum is currently in development.


For Your Child

Calm helps relieve daily stressors by setting schedules, expectations, and engaging your kids with rewards. 


For You

Calm features a child and parent view, so you can tailor the experience to your family's needs.
Keep track of your childs activity progress, approve completed tasks/activities, assign tasks, and create exciting
rewards to engage and excite your child(ren).



Currently @Microsoft